Couple Session

Couple discussion is a session where you and your partner will be getting directly connected Anubhav Agrawal for discussing your queries. Nowadays, relationships have become so complicated that there comes a time when a person actually needs someone who can help him listening to his problems and overcome his overthinking issues.
Several problems like fights over several things, trust issues between you and your partner, loyalty issues, second chances, loss of confidence, misunderstandings, lack of communication, moving on from a breakup phase, etc. These problems can be resolved if you seek the right person for help. Anubhav Agrawal has a lot of experience in talking to couples, understanding their problems, and giving them a satisfactory resolution.
It’s all about connecting to someone whom you think has a better understanding of relationships and Anubhav Agrawal has gained the trust of millions of people through his content on social media platforms.
Go ahead without worrying about anything, you and your partner need it and it’s worth it.
One Day Session
For clearing your relationship problems
- This session is for 24 hours. (1 Hour Audio Call & 23 Hours Texts)
- This session will be conducted over a conference call only.
- Please don't book this session if your partner isn't in contact with you/has blocked you.
Update: New sessions will be conducted in November 2023.
Note: Once you book the session, you’ll get contacted by the team in the next 3-5 Working Days. Also, No refund policy for cancellation of a session.